Go to KEXP's StreamingArchive, at the bottom... find the section listed as "Listen By Time". And plug in Friday, Sept. 11th. 3pm... and listen to it!
He talks all things Iceland. And all things Iceland right now are like that moment in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory when Gene Wilder throws off the cloak and reveals that, Yes! Charlie! What you thought you heard is true! Here. Take it. Now you shall own the pasture to the breeding grounds.
Stuart shows us that some damn fine horses are out there.
The playlist of Stu's hour-long fete with Kevin Cole is as follows:
LayLow : by and by
SeaBear: Seashell
Retro Stefson: Medallion
Hjaltalin: Traffic Music
FM Belfast: Par Avion
Agent Fresco: Eyes of a Cloud Catcher
Mammut: Svefnssykt
Reykjavik!: Eji plis!
Sin Fang Bouse (of SeaBear): melt down the knives
Sindri Mar Sigfussen (of Sea Bear): Landslide
Porir: HeyYa (Outcast cover)
a Video/Link of these will soon follow this post.