23 April 2009

Song of the Day

Gui Boratto: No Turning Back

This seems like a soundtrack to the mind and all things neurological. Here's an interview about how to super-pump your grey matter. Modafinatious! But if the dronings-on of NPR puts you on your pillow, read the article here instead.

Passion Pit? Yes, please.

New album MANNERS comes out May 19th.

Live in NYC: June 19th and 20th, both already sold out. But come on, you know you can get tickets if you really want them. And you do.

Getting Naked with Matt and Kim

New album, GRAND.

Back in NYC: July 9th @ Pier 54 (scheduled)

I just saw them in March for the release and kick off for this album. These two get-the-fuck after it. And their rabid fans are very impressively active at their shows. Insane sums it up. But the energy conjured by these two is hardly containable on an album or otherwise coming out your speakers. See them live ~ even from afar ~ at least once. They recorded this latest album at Matt's parents house in Vermont. Oh! And in case you've never... help yourself to seconds.

FM Belfast

FM Belfast: Par Avion from Torfi Frans Olafsson on Vimeo.

More things Iceland to come... I just found this video and thought the style really captured a live FM Belfast experience. Way to edit Torfi Frans!


Soooo, NY Noise has been playing this video.

Um ~ aw, fuck. This is probably some damn indie gem already. Upcoming US tour dates? Every festival bill in 2010. It takes a little work on the listener's end, but eventually... it works.

well, with a little digging, and a little birdie, it proves true. Last month Mica(chu and the shapes) had three shows in NYC. Have to mention here that 1) Mica is a girl. 2) She has composed for the London Philharmonic. 3) Mica is not a boy. Press? New Yorker, even. Oh, bother.